Thursday, 24 May 2007

Wine and cheese evening success

A good time had by all!!

The evening was a great success as the photos illustrate. Thanks to all involved we raised a whopping £140 for gardening club. Thanks to all involved, staff who made donations to the raffle and those who helped out on the evening, and special thanks to " Bowlee garden centre" and Mike who came along with flowers for sale, hanging basket demo and kind donation of the two hanging baskets he made on the evening.

The garden felt and looked wonderful full of people who were having a relaxing time in this little oasis.

I think we can safetly say the "gardening club" is well and truly launched, and we have a wonderful nucleus of supporters behind us.
we have wonderful plans for the future and hope to see this venture grow as well as the plants in the garden at the moment.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

After thought
Just spoke to my brother in the Highlands and said how the garden had brought people together reminded me of the movie "field of dreams" and the famous line "If you build it they will come!"

Photos as Promised

As you can see it is a hive of activity, Thankyou so much to Mr Barker and Mr Toland for their DIY expertise,. A beautiful day in the garden lots of visitors and Michelle held her year11 revision class outside today, still lotsto do but it now really does feel like a garden.