If we had known at how fulfilling and successful this project was going to be we would have done it sooner.The gardening club is going from strength to strength I cant begin to describe how lush the garden is but hopefully these photos will give you a glimpse. And yes we do have carrots they maybe small and very curiously shaped but they taste divine. The strawberries WOW absolutely luscious even our head Mr Fitzgerald had to come in for the tasting , he approved and he has a really sweet tooth. We cant keep up with the growing frenzy the kohlrabi and beetroot grow at an amazing rate., the beans are the envy of "Jack and the beanstalk", sweet peas, leeks, courgettes, peppers to name a few all thriving and promise to yield fine fruit.
We truly have big plans for the future but i will leave that to a later date. Thanks to everyone keep up the good work Fee