John Updike
Well the garden has survived the winds and the rain even if the picnic benches have been deserted for the past “is it THREE weeks. This week we picked our first Courgettes and very tasty they were too. Everything else is growing at an alarming rate especially our sunflowers and broad beans. We must say hello to our young gardener Izzy who had undergone an operation and is recovering in hospital we wish you well and we miss you and don’t worry we are taking care of things for you. Here is a little photo of you eating strawberries in the SUN (taken a few weeks ago)

The following photos were taken today ,as you can see everything is blooming. We are very excited as we have found the ideal place to start our allotment we just have to get the approval of our head Mr Fitzgerald

We have great plans for our allotment and hope it is as successful as
the garden has been. Last week Mrs Tansey and I went to visit Heaton Park County Primary school's gardening club and were very impressed with their efforts and look forward to seeing it again soon.
The school year is nearly over and we are going to miss the garden but we have organised a rota so that it will be well looked after until our return in September.
Returning to school will be very exciting this year as we should see big changes
Our sunflowers will be ready to be judged.
Kohlrabi should be ready to harvest
leeks and butternut squash should be ready
Tomatoes should have ripened
and hopefully we will be enjoying an Indian Summer and planning phase two of the gardening club.
We will be hosting a get together in September and maybe a cheese and wine evening with a quiz thrown in to discuss plans for the future with our friends.
I must add this note we started the year with six tiny strawberry plants , "they came forth and multiplied" and thanks to Mrs Tansey we have cultivated an addition twelve plants and must have had at least three absolutely delicious punnets of strawberries already and they are still going strong.
Thanks to all have a good and safe summer